Gallery of Student Images

A small sample of the work created by my workshop students over the years.

Canice Dunphy

Curt Steyers

Bob Hawkins

Canice Dunphy

Daniel Remer

Jennifer Gershon

Randy Kostichka

Chris Jewett

Ben Willmore

Wendy Belkin

Jacki Sajewski

Robert Jacobsen

Rachna Jain

Vicki Wert

Bill Earle

Cindy Hartman

Kip Turnage

Larry Street

Irina Nekrasova

Jason Nicholas

John Tebbetts

Steve Maxx

Cindy Hartman

Wai Chong Leung

Fax Ayres

Anita Sedberry

Lori Ellis

Susan Oberreither

Jason Nicholas

Emil Davidzuk

Melanie Kern Favilla

Adam Elstein

Chuck Almarez

Allan Mendez

Larry Adkins

Canice Dunphy

Jennifer Gershon

Canice Dunphy

Chris Jewett

Daniel Remer